Green Thumb

I have a confession...I don't care about flowers.
I so want to. They're beautiful and they look so great in the yards of our neighbors. But in our yard? Ugh. I don't care. The task of watering the flowers EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. is too much. I already have to feed the kids every day (multiple times!) and now I'm expected to turn on a hose, too?! How much will you ask of me?!

My mom cares about flowers. Her front yard is a blossoming beauty that she lovingly waters...daily!  I envy her ability to fill a watering can MORE THAN ONCE and tend to those precious flowers. She also has plants in her house. INSIDE! I can't even fathom!  My in-laws are great with flowers, too. Their yard is miniature botanical garden, complete with berries and butterflies.

Every spring, I tell myself, "This is the year. I  will channel my mom and I will water the flowers and they will stay alive all summer long."
Every summer, I ask myself, "How much water do they need?!?"
And then, obviously, I stop watering the flowers because it's ridiculous how much our water bill is and I'm trying to be a good steward! I will not allow the vanity of having pretty flowers eat up so much of the budget! It's a wise financial decision for the good of the family, y'all. That's totally it.
That and I am not my mom.
Also, I don't care about flowers.

BUT, this summer, I have a bit of motivation. When a social worker is coming to your house for a few visits to determine if you should be allowed to bring more children into your family, you tend to want to put off a good image.  I assume walking up the stairs surrounded by crunchy petals and brown leaves does not give the first impression of a thriving, well-cared for, water-drinking home.

And so, I trudge outside daily and water the flowers. The kids help and I am baffled as to why they enjoy it so. But I hope they always do. And I hope the new one knows that I loved this much, long before. It's a simple act of love. Every day that I water the flowers is one day closer and one day of beauty.


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