Dad's Day

Here's a Father's Day greeting to all of the dads, dads-in-law, step-dads, step-up dads, taking-the-place-of-dad dads, and birth dads out there. Including the birth father of our future children. I will never understand, but I will be eternally grateful for your decision.

Here's a Father's Day prayer to all of the dads who are missing their babies, all of the broken hearts who are missing their dads, and all of the wondering hearts who have never known.

Here's a Father's Day high-five to my baby brother who is rockin' it as a dad. Seriously. His kid is awesome.

Here's a Father's Day hug to my own dad who is celebrating in Heaven with his earthly father and his Heavenly Father...if they celebrate Hallmark holidays there? He may just be golfing...

Here's a Father's Day thank you to my father-in-law who has taken me under his wing as one of his own, raised the best man I know, and is a fantastic grandfather.

Here's a Father's Day kiss to J & E & the future kids' dad, who is going without a gift, sleeping in, a cookout, or even a hug today because he is somewhere in the ocean.


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