Visit 2

Home visit numero dos went down today.

It was the meeting of the kids and, man, they are funny.  J brought out his world map (literally) when asked if he knew where Bulgaria is and he asked social worker Amy if she took a boat or a plane when she visited our Bulgaria kids. (A trip, btw, that she has not and will not make.) E pretended to be a dog, corrected Amy's pronunciation of "tour," and said her favorite toys are trucks and cars (news to us.)

Adding more kids to the family is going to be hard, but it's also going to be fun.

So, where are we now? Lots of paperwork to do and then this home study update will be done. Then we'll move and do it all over again.

It's likely that we still have a long wait until bringing home our kids.

As we go through this home study update, I keep being reminded that the likelihood of a long process is not the guarantee of a long process.

A two year wait is not as long as it sounds.
Especially with C's one-year orders.
Especially when three months have gone by and I haven't even realized it.

I keep being reminded that we could receive a referral at any time. It's unlikely. But possible. We are actively favorite oxymoron. The only thing stopping us from getting a referral this week or next week or next month or next year is our position on the waiting list. God's timing.

I'm not in a rush. I love how life looks right now. We are happy and healthy and adjusted and very much enjoying Rhode Island. I have free time. I sleep through the night. C & I go on dates. Everyone in our house speaks the same language. I don't drive a mini-van. Life is good, y'all.

But, at the same time...

I am in the biggest rush ever. Our babies are not with us. They are not being loved by us and fed by us and held by us. They may not be held at all. They are not playing with their brother and sister. Not learning. Not bonding. Not being given everything they need and deserve. Our family is incomplete.

My heart breaks. And not just for our kids. Because we're coming for them. They will get out, eventually. My heart breaks for the millions of kids all around the world in the exact. same. position. Or worse. Without the fierce, protective love of a parent. Without the health and safety that is absolutely required for children to be able to learn and thrive and rise up. With a God who is shouting out to them that He loves them and that the world is broken and that there is not even a word for the sadness. It's just. so. sad.  It's hard to hear that voice when you're unsafe and hurting and unloved by the adults who are supposed to care for you.

So here's what I ask of you this week.

Pray for orphans.

Domestic, international, orphanage, foster care. Any race. Any gender. Any age...and as you pray for those sweet babies (because, heart strings) pray for those older kids, too. Think of the pain. Of what they have been through and what they are old enough to understand and how hard it is to overcome. Pray for those who are orphans because of disease, war, abandonment, kidnapping. For those who are sold into positions you and I can't even begin to think about without feeling sick. For those without medicine. For those without school. For those who are expected to go to school and sit still and behave and learn and respect the authority of an adult when no adult in their life has ever earned any kind of respect.

Take a few minutes. In the car. During breakfast. Before you fall asleep. In the shower. There is always time for a quick prayer. Think about these kids and ask God to protect them, let them know they are loved, and bring up families to find them.

I don't know what will happen in your heart next. Maybe nothing. That's ok. Prayer works wonders. Maybe you google some information about orphans. Great. Maybe you are led down a path that you never could have imagined. Fantastic.

One thing I know will happen...your eyes will be opened when you let them. You will meet someone who is adopted. A news story will catch your eye. In about 9 months, you'll notice that just about every Christmas movie ever made involves an orphan and maybe that's kinda sad to watch for kids who have been in that position.

Will you do me a favor? Let me know. If you feel open to discussing you prayer, or asking questions, or you want more information, or something moved in your heart and you want to share it...let me know. I would love to hear your stories and pray for you, too. Email me. Facebook me. Text me. I would even accept a phone call...that's how into this I am.

There are people hurting all over the world. Ignoring it doesn't change it. Thank you for praying for the most innocent and the most vulnerable.



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