January in Review

It's been a while, and nothing much has happened. We are playing the waiting game and will be for a while. How to update you when there is nothing to update?

We have contacted a new agency for our Rhode Island home study and submitted the initial paperwork. While I am not looking forward to redoing all of this, it is less intimidating the second time around. Which is encouraging, since we'll have to do it again when we move from here.

We have been officially registered for 2 months and expect about a 2-year wait. Sometimes the realization that we are actually registered, actually "actively waiting" for our babies hits me and I am overwhelmed and humbled and excited and terrified. Life is all so amazing. Creating life, living life, redemption. While it is a much overused phrase, it is so very true...we are incredibly blessed.

I have been having dreams about our kids. All of them. Some good, some bad. The dreams, not the kids. Well, actually, the kids too... I have dreams of laughter and playtime and peacefully dreaming faces. I have dreams of crying and doubt and questioning and staying up all night. I have dreams of visiting Bulgaria for the first time and dreams of having our family all together and complete. I have dreams about life.

It is a topsy-turvey, winding road with bumps and hills and plenty of long, flat open roads. We often seem to be driving around a curve where we can't see what is coming next. That's the Navy. That's adoption. That's just life. We don't know what's next. But we speed up and lean into the turn, because that's what it's all about.

God is good and life is fun. I hope you all have find truth in that this week, whatever you are facing.


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