Social Worker Visits, Rhode Island Style

It's time for us to redo our home study now that we live in Rhode Island. Home studies are typically valid for 12-18 months depending on the state, but they must be updated each time you move. So, even though our originally home study is only 6 months old, we need a new one.

The biggest burden is that we have to work with a new agency so the cost is much more than it would be if we had stayed in the same state and been able to continue with AWAA. But, these kids are priceless.

We are meeting with our new social worker, Amy, tomorrow. It was scheduled really quickly... Which I love. Let's move this whole thing along.  It will be just Caleb and me. She'll meet J & E during her next visit, in a couple of weeks. 

You might remember that I don't necessarily love the interview portion of the home study.  Because we already have an active and current home study, this process will be slightly more informal, but still invasive. Please pray that we remember that we're all in this together. That we are being supported and helped and that this is our family by God's design and that He is Sovereign. Pray that I relinquish control both now and as C & I grow as a couple and as parents.  Pray, oh pray, that Amy understands our sense of humor and doesn't think us cray.

Exhausted as I may be, I will update you tomorrow. As always, thanks for being on this journey.


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