
There's nothing like leaving a place you love in a rush. We have had 6 weeks to find a house, sign a lease and get out of here. More importantly, and even harder, we've had 6 weeks to say all of the goodbyes. To give all the hugs. To squeeze in one last play date and one more dinner. We love this place and these people.

Knowing that there is a great adventure on the other side doesn't make leaving any less painful. 

Just like loving something dearly makes you no less excited for the next chapter. 

We still cry our goodbyes and know/hope our paths will cross again.  We choose this life and we love it and we are blessed that we can continue in it. But sometimes we smile through tears. Our time here has made us better, stronger, and closer.

Today is the day we leave.
Today is bittersweet.
We love you, Norfolk.
And we are so excited for you, Newport.


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