Background Check...again.

Last week, Caleb and I had to be background checked. Again.

We counted and it is approximately the one-hundred-billionth time we have been background checked in the past year-and-a-half.

For our home study update, we must have a notarized letter from the local police station with our background check results.  This is in addition to all of the state-level child abuse clearances and national-level background checks that we also must have.

These are times when I have to remind myself that it is all worth it because there is a child waiting for us at the end of all of this. The hoops and red tape and repetition is all because there is a child who should be in our home. Sometimes the process gets frustrating until I remind myself of the end result. Loving someone.

So, bring it on. We'll do as many checks as we need. Write as many checks as we need.

We are coming for you little ones.
But every day is a step closer to you.


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