This post will likely be a theme for the next year or two...
I want to write an update. But there's nothing to tell.
I want this to be an adoption blog, not a daily life blog, but adoption sure can be slow.
Are you still with me? Are the long stretches between updates wearing on you like they are on me?
Our home study is almost completed. Progress! We'll have to update our immigration status, wait for the approval letter, notarize and apostille the approval, send it to our agency for finalization and then they will send it on to Bulgaria. At that point, we will be completely updated for our time in RI...and will likely have orders to where we move in November. So that we can do it all over again...
We recently had our quarterly call with our agency. No real updates there. Bulgaria is making progress with their referrals and we are moving up the waiting list. We still expect about a 2 year wait to receive a referral and we are about 4 months into it. Some days I am impatient with that. Most days are fine. I expect two years so I'm not too cranky about it this early on.
Overall, the biggest struggle is daily reminding ourselves that we are not in control and that we must rely on God's timing. C & I are planners by nature and we have a move coming up and we want to be able to make the timing work out just right. But we can't. We don't know the timing. We don't know when we will get a referral. We don't know how long it will take for us to travel. We don't know where we are moving. We don't know. We don't know. We don't know.
So we go back to square one.
You have brought us here. You have another precious soul or two designed for our family and you will bring him/her/them to us as you see fit. Navy life will work because you have brought us that, too. You are finalizing the details and teaching us something during the wait. It may be patience. It may be reliance. It may just be that our sweet babies aren't born yet. We don't know. There is so much that we don't know. But we will daily try to figure it out, realize we can't, and return, broken, to you. Thank you for letting us continue to come back and give back to you the control that we never really had in the first place. Thank you for being sovereign at all times and in ways we cannot understand. Keep our babies safe. And healthy. And loved. Bring them to us in your timing. Give Caleb orders that work with the timing. Let us get to the kids quickly. But in your timing. But quickly in my timing. But, no really, you do it. Your timing will be good. If you would just make it soon by my definition that would be super...
And then we start over. Try again. Every day. Our God is a God of mulligans. Isn't that great? His timing is perfect and it will all make sense one day. But the wait is when we grow.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope. Psalm 130:5
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3:8
I want to write an update. But there's nothing to tell.
I want this to be an adoption blog, not a daily life blog, but adoption sure can be slow.
Are you still with me? Are the long stretches between updates wearing on you like they are on me?
Our home study is almost completed. Progress! We'll have to update our immigration status, wait for the approval letter, notarize and apostille the approval, send it to our agency for finalization and then they will send it on to Bulgaria. At that point, we will be completely updated for our time in RI...and will likely have orders to where we move in November. So that we can do it all over again...
We recently had our quarterly call with our agency. No real updates there. Bulgaria is making progress with their referrals and we are moving up the waiting list. We still expect about a 2 year wait to receive a referral and we are about 4 months into it. Some days I am impatient with that. Most days are fine. I expect two years so I'm not too cranky about it this early on.
Overall, the biggest struggle is daily reminding ourselves that we are not in control and that we must rely on God's timing. C & I are planners by nature and we have a move coming up and we want to be able to make the timing work out just right. But we can't. We don't know the timing. We don't know when we will get a referral. We don't know how long it will take for us to travel. We don't know where we are moving. We don't know. We don't know. We don't know.
So we go back to square one.
You have brought us here. You have another precious soul or two designed for our family and you will bring him/her/them to us as you see fit. Navy life will work because you have brought us that, too. You are finalizing the details and teaching us something during the wait. It may be patience. It may be reliance. It may just be that our sweet babies aren't born yet. We don't know. There is so much that we don't know. But we will daily try to figure it out, realize we can't, and return, broken, to you. Thank you for letting us continue to come back and give back to you the control that we never really had in the first place. Thank you for being sovereign at all times and in ways we cannot understand. Keep our babies safe. And healthy. And loved. Bring them to us in your timing. Give Caleb orders that work with the timing. Let us get to the kids quickly. But in your timing. But quickly in my timing. But, no really, you do it. Your timing will be good. If you would just make it soon by my definition that would be super...
And then we start over. Try again. Every day. Our God is a God of mulligans. Isn't that great? His timing is perfect and it will all make sense one day. But the wait is when we grow.
I wait for the Lord, my soul waits, and in His word I hope. Psalm 130:5
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10
With the Lord a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day. 2 Peter 3:8
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