When we get home with our new little love we will implement a technique that in the adoption world is called "cocooning." In very simple terms it just means being the only one who meets the new child's needs. Some people don't go anywhere for months. Others go about their daily lives like normal but don't let others care for their child. It's about finding the balance that works for you and your family and the grief and adjustment of your new addition. Using big, broad generalizations, children who have spent their early years in an orphanage, in foster care, in any kind of environment where caregivers are inconsistent or numerous or abusive, where needs are not always met, where attention is lacking have to learn what it means to be in a family. Neglected, abused, traumatized kids need to learn that mom and dad will take care of them--physically and emotionally. They need to learn that parents are supposed to fill this role. They need to learn that ...